Saturday, February 13, 2010

Rub a dub dub, 3 Men in a Tub!

Last night I attempted the impossible-giving tubbies to all three boys by myself. At the time, I thought I was honing in on my time management skills. I mean, doesn't it make sense to wash all three at once? Not as easy a feat as I imagined.

In actuality, I can't take all of the credit. Ben did wash Carter's hair before running downstairs to "tend the fire" (aka watch "Family Guy" or "Sports Center" or any combination of the two). And while Carter conjured up a conversation with his Papa on his pretend cell phone/rubber ducky, I prepared Landon for the big event. Reid held down the fort on the changing table. (Before you go calling child services, please note that the changing table is in fact located in the bathroom!)

As I eased Lando into the tub and onto his tubby lounge chair, the screaming began. Now mind you, the tubby water was a tad deeper than I anticipated, thus I had to hold him up with one hand while cleansing him with a washcloth with the other hand. Picture a wiggly, slippery little nudie baby, screaming like his life depended on it. All the while, Carter played merrily beside him, blissfully unaware of the waves he was causing with every movement he made. I decided Landon was done and swiftly lifted him out of the tub, lingering soap suds and all. "Oh well", I thought to myself, "At least he's cleaner than he was before". Within seconds he was wrapped in a towel, binky strategically corked in his mouth for sanity purposes (Mommy's sanity, that is). After a speedy lotion/diaper application, Landon relaxed on the changing table and Reid was up to bat.

I stripped him down and plopped him into the tubby. One thing Miss Brilliant neglected to do, was check the tubby temp, which had dropped significantly. More screaming. Also, the soap suds had pretty much diminished due to the big guy's splash fest, so now I was left with no soap whatsoever and no hand to get any with. I put down the washcloth, grabbed the soap and squirted it onto Reid's tummy. Again, freezing cold. The poor boy almost jumped out of my hand. The screaming increased. Carter tried coming to the rescue by pouring water on him. I had to cut this party short, so I pulled Reid out of the tub and the "penguin plunge" was over.

As I lotioned and diapered Reid (or Dor-reid-o as we like to call him) I sensed some activity going on behind me. I turned to see Carter stepping out of the tub and matter-of-factly stating, "Me all done now". So I wrapped him in a towel, which lasted 2.2 seconds before he was off and running, in all his nudie-ness. Reid, still screaming, had now disturbed Landon who chimed in while both squirmed restlessly on the changing table.

Enter Carter, still naked, who I promptly placed on the potty. Carter peed, then said he was all done, sliding himself off of the big pot. I turned to help him and only then did I spot the fresh poo sliding down the outside of the toilet bowl. The point of origin was clear, however a skid mark ran down his leg and onto his foot. Unsure of how this occurred exactly, I wiped him up with baby wipes since (just my luck) the tub had now been drained. I did a drive-by diapering of the big guy, and quickly threw his jammies on, ran a comb through his hair and sent him on his way. I finally turned my attention back to poor little Reid.

Although the entire incident only lasted about 25 sure was eventful. It prompted me to realize that maybe it's OK to ask for help and that maybe I don't have to strive to be supermom (I said maybe). Because ultimately, I wind up looking like a frantic Lucille Ball or at the very least, Uncle Jesse from "Full House".

1 comment:

  1. i am so excited to see someone in the same boat as i am! i just got the link to your blog through a friend and was happy to see the similarities as i have not met one single person that has had one toddler and 2 twin boys - in that order... looking forward to reading your posts... shel
